
This package implements several ideas and utilities for object orientated programming inside the R language. The need for this implementation was not to implement new features or concepts associated with object orientation in R because they are readily available in other packages (methods, R6, R.oo, proto). Instead this package implements ideas how to use object orientation and still have readable and thus maintainable code.

The original implementation (iteration 1) was the function defineClass and an introduction to this implementation can be found here:

vignette("aoosClasses", "aoos")

defineClass is an own implementation of object orientation, like setRefClass it uses S4, and can be considered experimental, although it has been reliable in my own work.

The function defineRefClass (iteration 2) does not implement a new system for object orientation but fixes my major critique of setRefClass (methods-package): defining methods and fields inside lists. It is simply a wrapper which allows to write the class definition inside an R-expression. Very much like in defineClass the evaluated expression is then passed as argument to setRefClass. Also there is a class Private from which a reference class can inherit which adds a notion of privacy (overrides the default accessor functions) to a reference class:

vignette("referenceClasses", "aoos")

With retList (iteration 3) it is made easy to play object orientation without introducing anything new but S3 and functional programming concepts, i.e. closures. This is closest to what R already has to offer and more a convenience than a new system. The function will simply return all visible objects (in an environment) in a list and should be used to construct the return value of a constructor function. You can specify a class name and which objects you want to have in that list. Some ideas borrowed from the setRefClass framework are encapsulated print methods, and from defineClass the possibility to define encapsulated infix operators. Furthermore retList provides an implementation for inheritance. Since S3 does not provide a formal class definition, classes inherit the properties from instances of super classes (comparable to R6 or proto). How exactly this works reduces to the question of how you would join two environments in R because methods of an object are closures which share the same enclosing environment (like in all other implementations). What would you do with the enclosing environments of functions? What would you do with naming conflicts? Since you may disagree with me on how this should be done you can change that behaviour. Some examples can be found here:

vignette("retListClasses", "aoos")

In addition to the above there are a couple of wrappers around the S4-class system (iteration 4). These functions add some syntactic sugar for defining S4 generic, methods and classes which are called type. See the vignette and examples therein.

vignette("S4SyntacticSugar", "aoos")