Package 'dat'

Title: Tools for Data Manipulation
Description: An implementation of common higher order functions with syntactic sugar for anonymous function. Provides also a link to 'dplyr' and 'data.table' for common transformations on data frames to work around non standard evaluation by default.
Authors: Sebastian Warnholz [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Sebastian Warnholz <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 0.5.1
Built: 2025-03-03 03:02:48 UTC

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Coerce a formula into a function


Convert a formula into a function. See map and extract for examples.


## S3 method for class 'formula'
as.function(x, ...)



(formula) see examples


not used


An object inheriting from class function.


as.function(~ .)(1)
as.function(x ~ x)(1)
as.function(f(x, y) ~ c(x, y))(1, 2)
as.function(numeric : x ~ x)(1) # check for class
as.function(numeric(1) : x ~ x)(1) # check for class + length

Bind rows


This is a wrapper around rbindlist to preserve the input class.


bindRows(x, id = NULL, useNames = TRUE, fill = TRUE)



(list) a list of data frames

id, useNames, fill

passed to rbindlist


If the first element of x inherits from data.frame the type that first element.

x else.

DataFrame and methods


This is a 'data.table' like implementation of a data.frame. Either dplyr or data.table is used as backend. The only purpose is to have R CMD check friendly syntax.



as.DataFrame(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
as.DataFrame(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
as.DataFrame(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'DataFrame'
x[i, j, ..., by, sby, drop]



arbitrary number of args
in [ (TwoSidedFormulas)
in constructor see tibble


(DataFrame | data.frame)


(logical | numeric | integer | OneSidedFormula | TwoSidedFormula | FormulaList) see the examples.


(logical | character | TwoSidedFormula | FormulaList | function) character beginning with '^' are interpreted as regular expression

by, sby

(character) variables to group by. by will be used to do transformations within groups. sby will collapse each group to one row.


(ignored) never drops the class.


OneSidedFormula is always used for subsetting rows.

TwoSidedFormula is used instead of name-value expressions in summarise and mutate.

See Also

mutar, FL


dat <- as.DataFrame(airquality)
dat[~ Month > 4, ][meanWind ~ mean(Wind), sby = "Month"]["meanWind"]
dat[FL(.n ~ mean(.n), .n = c("Wind", "Temp")), sby = "Month"]

Extract elements from a vector


Extract elements from an object as S4 generic function. See the examples.


extract(x, ind, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'list,'function''
extract(x, ind, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'atomic,'function''
extract(x, ind, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'ANY,formula'
extract(x, ind, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'atomicORlist,numericORintegerORlogical'
extract(x, ind, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'ANY,character'
extract(x, ind, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'data.frame,character'
extract(x, ind, ...)

extract2(x, ind, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'atomicORlist,numericORinteger'
extract2(x, ind, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'ANY,formula'
extract2(x, ind, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'atomicORlist,'function''
extract2(x, ind, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'ANY,character'
extract2(x, ind, ...)



(atomic | list) a vector.


(function | formula | character | numeric | integer | logical) a formula is coerced into a function. For lists the function is applied to each element (and has to return a logical of length 1). For atomics a vectorized function is expected. If you supply an atomic it is used for subsetting. A character of length 1 beginning with "^" is interpreted as regular expression.


arguments passed to ind.


extract(1:15, ~ 15 %% . == 0)
extract(list(xy = 1, zy = 2), "^z")
extract(list(x = 1, z = 2), 1)
extract(list(x = 1, y = ""), is.character)

# Example: even numbers:
is.even <- function(x) (x %% 2) == 0
extract(1:10, ~ . %% 2 == 0) %>% sum
extract(1:10, is.even) %>% sum

# Example: factors of 15
extract(1:15, ~ 15 %% . == 0)

# Example: relative prime numbers
gcd <- function(a, b) {
  .gcd <- function(a, b) if (b == 0) a else Recall(b, a %% b)
  flatmap(a ~ b, .gcd)

extract(1:10, x ~ gcd(x, 10) == 1)

# Example: real prime numbers
isPrime <- function(n) {
  .isPrime <- function(n) {
    iter <- function(i) {
      if (i * i > n) TRUE
      else if (n %% i == 0 || n %% (i + 2) == 0) FALSE
      else Recall(i + 6)
    if (n <= 1) FALSE
    else if (n <= 3) TRUE
    else if (n %% 2 == 0 || n %% 3 == 0) FALSE
    else iter(5)
  flatmap(n, x ~ .isPrime(x))

extract(1:10, isPrime)

Dynamically generate formulas


Function to dynamically generate formulas - (F)ormula (L)ist - to be used in mutar.


FL(..., .n = NULL, pattern = "\\.n")

makeFormulas(..., .n, pattern = "\\.n")

## S3 method for class 'FormulaList'
update(object, data, ...)





names to be used in formulas. Can be any object which can be used by extract to select columns. NULL is interpreted to use the formulas without change.


(character) pattern to be replaced in formulas





See Also



FL(.n ~ mean(.n), .n = "variable")
as(makeFormulas(.n ~ mean(.n), .n = "variable"), "FormulaList")

An implementation of map


An implementation of map and flatmap. They support the use of formulas as syntactic sugar for anonymous functions.


map(x, f, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'ANY,formula'
map(x, f, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'atomic,'function''
map(x, f, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'list,'function''
map(x, f, p = function(x) TRUE, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'list,numericORcharacteORlogical'
map(x, f, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'MList,'function''
map(x, f, ..., simplify = FALSE)

## S4 method for signature 'formula,'function''
map(x, f, ...)

flatmap(x, f, ..., flatten = unlist)

## S4 method for signature 'ANY,formula'
flatmap(x, f, ..., flatten = unlist)

sac(x, f, by, ..., combine = bindRows)

## S4 method for signature 'data.frame,'function''
sac(x, f, by, ..., combine = bindRows)

## S4 method for signature 'ANY,formula'
sac(x, f, by, ..., combine = bindRows)

vmap(x, f, ..., .mc = min(length(x), detectCores()), .bar = "bar")



(vector | data.frame | formula) if x inherits from data.frame, a data.frame is returned. Use as.list if this is not what you want. When x is a formula it is interpreted to trigger a multivariate map.


(function | formula | character | logical | numeric) something which can be interpreted as a function. formula objects are coerced to a function. atomics are used for subsetting in each element of x. See the examples.


further arguments passed to the apply function.


(function | formula) a predicate function indicating which columns in a data.frame to use in map. This is a filter for the map operation, the full data.frame is returned.


see SIMPLIFY in mapply


(function | formula) a function used to flatten the results.


(e.g. character) argument is passed to extract to select columns.


(function | formula) a function which knows how to combine the list of results. bindRows is the default.


(integer) the number of cores. Passed down to mclapply or mcmapply.


(character) see verboseApply.


map will dispatch to lapply. When x is a formula this is interpreted as a multivariate map; this is implemented using mapply. When x is a data.frame map will iterate over columns, however the return value is a data.frame. p can be used to map over a subset of x.

flatmap will dispatch to map. The result is then wrapped by flatten which is unlist by default.

sac is a naive implementation of split-apply-combine and implemented using flatmap.

vmap is a 'verbose' version of map and provides a progress bar and a link to parallel map (mclapply).

map, flatmap, and sac can be extended; they are S4 generic functions. You don't and should not implement a new method for formulas. This method will coerce a formula into a function and pass it down to your map(newtype, function) method.


# Sugar for anonymous functions
map(data.frame(y = 1:10, z = 2), x ~ x + 1)
map(data.frame(y = 1:10, z = 2), x ~ x + 1, is.numeric)
map(data.frame(y = 1:10, z = 2), x ~ x + 1, x ~ all(x == 2))
sac(data.frame(y = 1:10, z = 1:2), df ~ data.frame(my = mean(df$y)), "z")

# Trigger a multivariate map with a formula
map(1:2 ~ 3:4, f(x, y) ~ x + y)
map(1:2 ~ 3:4, f(x, y) ~ x + y, simplify = TRUE)
map(1:2 ~ 3:4, f(x, y, z) ~ x + y + z, z = 1)

# Extracting values from lists
map(list(1:2, 3:4), 2)
map(list(1:3, 2:5), 2:3)
map(list(1:3, 2:5), c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE))

# Some type checking along the way
map(as.numeric(1:2), numeric : x ~ x)
map(1:2, integer(1) : x ~ x)
map(1:2, numeric(1) : x ~ x + 0.5)

Tools for Data Frames


mutar is literally the same function as [.DataFrame and can be used as interface to dplyr or data.table. Other functions here listed are a convenience to mimic dplyr's syntax in a R CMD check friendly way. These functions can also be used with S4 data.frame(s) / data_frame(s) / data.table(s). They will always try to preserve the input class.


mutar(x, i, j, ..., by, sby, drop)

filtar(x, i)

sumar(x, ..., by)




(DataFrame | data.frame)


(logical | numeric | integer | OneSidedFormula | TwoSidedFormula | FormulaList) see the examples.


(logical | character | TwoSidedFormula | FormulaList | function) character beginning with '^' are interpreted as regular expression


arbitrary number of args
in [ (TwoSidedFormulas)
in constructor see tibble


(character) variables to group by. by will be used to do transformations within groups. sby will collapse each group to one row.


(character) variables to group by. by will be used to do transformations within groups. sby will collapse each group to one row.


(ignored) never drops the class.


(expression) any R expression that should be evaluated using data tables reference semantics on data transformations.


The real workhorse of this interface is mutar. All other functions exist to ease the transition from dplyr.

OneSidedFormula is always used for subsetting rows.

TwoSidedFormula is used instead of name-value expressions. Instead of writing x = 1 you simply write x ~ 1.

FormulaList can be used to repeat the same operation on different columns. See more details in FL.

See Also

extract, DataFrame, FL


airquality %>%
  filtar(~Month > 4) %>%
  mutar(meanWind ~ mean(Wind), by = "Month") %>%
  sumar(meanWind ~ mean(Wind), by = "Month") %>%

airquality %>%
    .n ~ mean(.n) | c("Wind", "Temp"),
    by = "Month"

# Enable data.tables reference semantics with:
  x <- data.table::data.table(x = 1)
  mutar(x, y ~ 2)

## Not run: 
# Use dplyr as back-end:
options(dat.use.dplyr = TRUE)
x <- data.frame(x = 1)
mutar(x, y ~ dplyr::n())

## End(Not run)

Replace elements in a vector


This function replaces elements in a vector. It is a link to replace as a generic function.


replace(x, ind, values, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'ANY,'function''
replace(x, ind, values, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'ANY,formula'
replace(x, ind, values, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'ANY,character'
replace(x, ind, values, ...)



(atomic | list) a vector.


used as index for elements to be replaced. See details.


the values used for replacement.


arguments passed to ind if it can be interpreted as function. For a regex arguments are passed to grep.


The idea is to provide a more flexible interface for the specification of the index. It can be a character, numeric, integer or logical which is then simply used in base::replace. It can be a regular expression in which case x should be named – a character of length 1 and a leading "^" is interpreted as regex. When ind is a function (or formula) and x is a list then it should be a predicate function – see the examples. When x is an atomic the function is applied on x and the result is used for subsetting.


replace(c(1, 2, NA),, 0)
replace(c(1, 2, NA), rep(TRUE, 3), 0)
replace(c(1, 2, NA), 3, 0)
replace(list(x = 1, y = 2), "x", 0)
replace(list(x = 1, y = 2), "^x$", 0)
replace(list(x = 1, y = "a"), is.character, NULL)

Verbose apply function


This apply function has a progress bar and enables computations in parallel. By default it is not verbose. As an interactive version with proper 'verbose' output by default please use vmap.


verboseApply(x, f, ..., .mc = 1, .mapper = mclapply, .bar = "none")







arguments passed to .mapper and hence f


(integer) the number of processes to start


(function) the actual apply function used. Should have an argument mc.cores.


(character) one in 'none', '.' or 'bar'


## Not run: 
  function(...) Sys.sleep(1),
  .bar = "bar",
  .mc = 2 

## End(Not run)