saeSim 0.11.0 (2022-02-07)
- Maintenance release to prepare for upcoming dplyr 1.0.8 release
saeSim 0.10.0 (2019-03-28)
- Minor fixes to documentation
- Minor bugfixes
saeSim 0.9.0 (2017-05-08)
saeSim 0.8.2
- Fix for print/show method of object.
saeSim 0.8.1
- Fix for warning while using rbind_all. Now use bind_rows instead.
saeSim 0.8.0 (2016-04-27)
saeSim 0.7.6
- New argument fileExt in 'sim' to save RData instead of csv files.
- New function 'sim_read_list' to read in the results from RData files.
- Fix in preconf computation functions to ensure that they return a data.frame.
saeSim 0.7.5
- The function 'sim' now has an additional argument, suffix, to provide an
optional suffix for file names.
- Storing simulation runs to files now creates an empty template to lock that
file so multpiple processes can work on the same sequence of jobs.
saeSim 0.7.4
- The function 'sim_gen_cont' now allows to select specific areas for
saeSim 0.7.3
- New function: base_id_temporal to construct basic structure for repeated
- New generator: gen_v_ar1 to generate an autocorrelated error term.
saeSim 0.7.2
- Update for show method. Now can print not only handle data.frames.
saeSim 0.7.1
saeSim 0.7.0 (2015-02-16)
saeSim 0.6.6
- new argument, overwrite, for function sim
saeSim 0.6.5
- new signature for function sim
- parallel back-end has changed to parallelMap
- new functions: sample_cluster_fraction and sample_cluster_number
saeSim 0.6.4
- Rewrite of the summary method
- New function sim_gen_generic
saeSim 0.6.3
- Bugfixes in sim_gen for contamination and sim_gen_eq to preserve attributes of data.frame
- The show method was updated and is more consistent
- Bugfix in will now always return a data.frame
saeSim 0.6.2
- New sampling function sample_numbers - vectorized sample_number
saeSim 0.6.1
- Updated version of the vignette
saeSim 0.6.0 (2014-10-22)
saeSim 0.5.3
- base_id returns only column with idD if nUnits == 1
- updates for documentation and vignettes
saeSim 0.5.2
- renaming of sim_gen_fe and sim_gen_re
- update of vignettes
saeSim 0.5.1
- bugfix: keep attributes after sampling
saeSim 0.5.0
- R, the number of reps, is not an argument of sim_setup anymore but only of sim
- Generator functions are now functions which f: data.frame -> data.frame
- The response is not generated automatically but using the sim_resp component
- comp_var function is now a wrapper around dplyr::mutate
- sample_number and sample_fraction replace sample_srs and sample_csrs
- agg_standard was renamed to agg_all
- calc was renamed to comp; sim_n, sim_N, sim_popMean, sim_popVar are renamed to sim_comp_*
- Contaminated data is now included in sim_gen_cont; argument names have changed
- The base can explicitly be set by sim_base or simply by starting from a data.frame
- gen_generic supports a groupVar instead of level
saeSim 0.4.7
- Preserve attributes of data in sample_* and agg_all
saeSim 0.4.6
- Describe function for sim_setup
saeSim 0.4.5
- Bugfix in sim.sim_setup pass simName
- No garbage collection for sim with path
saeSim 0.4.4
- Bug fix in sample_csrs - Handling of numeric input with length > 1
- Default in sim_setup is R = 1
- Argument simName in sim.sim_setup
- Default for simName in sim_setup is set to ""
- Change in sim_setup, now matches the behaviour of all other components
saeSim 0.4.3
saeSim 0.4.2
- Fix in read_simData
- calc_var accepts a character with length > 1
- summary.sim_setup prints str instead of head
saeSim 0.4.1
- Import dplyr(>= 0.2) - because of import of magrittr
saeSim 0.4.0
- Implementation of all relevant steps in simulation studies
- for sim_setup
- summary for sim_setup
- sim_setup method for data.frames as link to design-based studies
- implemented a solution for doing the simulation in parallel